3 Steps to Better Heart Health

Heart disease is currently the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. However, the risk of heart disease can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle and diet choices. Seeing as February is American Heart Month, we wanted to encourage 3 simple steps to improve your heart health!

1. Take a 10-minute walk

Regular physical activity can boost your energy, immune system, and it is a natural
way to decrease inflammation which is a main cause of cardiovascular disease. Regular physical activity has also been shown to decrease blood pressure, harmful cholesterol levels, and the risk of Type 2 Diabetes Miletus. The goal is to achieve 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week which breaks down to even take 3-10 minute brisk walks after each meal.

2. Cook at-home

According to the USDA meals prepared at-home contain more fruits and vegetables, as well as
less salt and 1/3rd fewer calories than restaurant foods.
A diet high in fruits and vegetables is high in antioxidants which help fight free radicals therefore
reducing the risk of heart disease. Those who consume regular homemade meals also consume less unhealthy fats, calories, and sugar supporting weight management and overall health.

3. Hold the salt

High salt consumption can raise blood pressure which is linked to an increased risk of
cardiovascular disease and stroke. Next time you are cooking try substituting fresh herbs and spices in place of salt or avoid putting the salt-shaker on the table all together. If you are eating out at a restaurant or have ordered take-out try asking for the sauce on the side.