Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

When you hear, read, or watch news about an outbreak of an infectious disease, you may feel anxious and show signs of stress. These signs of stress are normal and may be more likely or pronounced for people who live in or have loved ones living in parts of the world affected by the outbreak. In the wake of an infectious disease outbreak, monitor your own physical and mental health. Know the signs of stress in yourself and your loved ones. Know how to relieve stress, and know when to get help.

Know the signs of stress.
What follows are behavioral, physical, emotional, and cognitive responses that are all
common signs of anxiety and stress. You may notice some of them after you learn about an infectious disease outbreak.

Your Behaviors:

  • An increase or decrease in your energy
    and activity levels
  • An increase in your use of alcohol,
    tobacco, or illegal drugs
  • An increase in irritability, with outbursts of
    anger and frequent arguing
  • Trouble relaxing or sleeping
  • Frequent crying
  • Excessive worrying
  • Wanting to be alone most of the time
  • Blaming other people for everything
  • Difficulty communicating or listening
  • Difficulty giving or accepting help
  • An inability to feel pleasure or have fun

Your Body:
• Having stomachaches or
• Having headaches and other
• Losing your appetite or
eating too much
• Sweating or having chills
• Getting tremors or muscle
• Being easily startled

Your Emotions:
• Anxious or fearful
• Feeling depressed
• Feeling guilty
• Feeling angry
• Feeling heroic, euphoric, or
• Not caring about anything
• Feeling overwhelmed by sadness

Your Thinking:
• Having trouble remembering things
• Feeling confused
• Having trouble thinking clearly and
• Having difficulty making decisions

Know when to get help.
You may experience serious distress when you hear about an infectious disease outbreak, even if you are at little or no risk of getting sick. If you or someone you know shows signs of stress (see above) for several days or weeks, get help! You may call your Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) toll free number to speak with a Mental Health professional 24/7/365. The EAP is available to offer immediate telephonic support, can offer support in coordinating a face to face appointment with an EAP counselor in your area, and assist you in connecting with other resources in your local area.

Know how to relieve stress.
You can manage and alleviate your stress by taking time to take care of yourself.

Keep things in perspective.
Set limits on how much time you spend reading or watching news about the outbreak. You will want to stay up to date on news of the outbreak, particularly if you have loved ones in places where many people have gotten sick, but make sure to take time away from the news to focus on things in your life that are going well and that you can control.