Winter Seasonal Recipes 

Homemade Apple Cider  


  • 10-12 medium apples (choose all different types), quartered 
  • 2 oranges, quartered 2/3 C fresh cranberries 4 cinnamon sticks 
  • 1 TBSP whole cloves 1 whole nutmeg 
  • 1 tsp whole allspice 4 qts water 
  • 1/2 C brown sugar or maple syrup 


Wash and then quarter apples and oranges. Place all ingredients in a slow cooker on HIGH for 3-4 hours or LOW for 6-8 hours. In the last hour, mash apples and continue cooking. When ready strain the liquid from the fruit and enjoy! 

Microwave Paper Bag Popcorn 


  • 1/4 C popcorn kernels 
  • 1 paper lunch bag 1TBS seasoning of choice 
  • 1 TBS olive oil 


Place popcorn kernels in a paper lunch bag. Fold over the top of the lunch bag a couple of times to seal. Microwave for 1-2 mins or until popping slows. Drizzle olive oil over popcorn and season – get creative! 

Micronutrients and Immune Function 

With the onset of cold weather comes the inevitable risk of illness. It is important more now than ever to fuel our bodies with vitamins and minerals and a variety of them to boost our immune system. While our bodies need a variety of micronutrients to perform their best, some nutrients that may prove to be beneficial during this time for immune function are vitamin D and C, and zinc.

  • Vitamin D: May decrease the risk for respiratory tract infection (i.e., cold, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis) by stimulating microbial properties on the lining of the lungs and differentiating specialized immune cells. Sources: dairy, meat, fish, poultry, mushrooms. 
  • Vitamin C: Can decrease the duration and severity of symptoms related to cold by functioning as an antioxidant and regulator of immune cell function. Sources: citrus, tropical fruits, dark leafy greens. 
  • Zinc: May reduce the risk of contracting a cold and reduce the duration of a cold by working as an anti-inflammatory agent and maintaining and enhancing our immune cells. Sources: meat, poultry, fish, seafood, nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains. 

Winter In-season Produce

  1. apple  
  1. avocado  
  1. banana  
  1. beets  
  1. brussels sprouts  
  1. cabbage  
  1. carrots  
  1. celery  
  1. kale 
  1. pear  
  1. grapefruit  
  1. lemon  
  1. lime  
  1. orange  
  1. parsnips  
  1. pumpkin  
  1. sweet potato 

*May vary depending on the region