Achieve a Better Balance in Your Life 


Sometimes, short-term or permanent changes caused by family situations can make balancing work and home duties difficult. Changes in your child’s school schedule, caring for an older adult, or expanding your family can be overwhelming, but small adjustments to your daily routine can help you regain the balance you lack. 

Slow down. 

Life is simply too short, so don’t let things pass you in a blur. Take steps to stop and enjoy the things and people around you. Don’t make plans for every evening or weekend, and find ways to distance yourself from the things causing you the most stress. 

Learn to manage your time. 

Avoid procrastination. For many people, most of their stress comes from simply being disorganized and procrastinating. Learn to set more realistic goals and deadlines and then stick to them. You’ll find that you are less stressed and your work will improve. 

Let things go (don’t sweat the small stuff). 

It’s simpler said than done but learn to let things go occasionally. So what if the dishes don’t get washed daily or the house needs to be vacuumed weekly? Learn to recognize the things that don’t have much impact in your life, and allow yourself to let them go and then not beat yourself up for doing so. 

Share the load. 

Even though you may sometimes feel you are the only one capable of doing something, it’s usually not the case. Get your partner or other family members to help you with all your personal and family responsibilities. Taking care of the household, children, or parents should not be the responsibility of just one person. 

Explore your options

If you feel overwhelmed with family responsibilities, get help if you can afford it, or enlist family members and friends for some tasks. Find a sitter for your children, explore options for aging parents, and seek counseling for yourself. You often have options, but you need to take the time to find them. 

Take charge. 

Sometimes it’s easier for you to allow yourself to feel overwhelmed rather than to take charge and develop a prioritized list of things that need to get done. You must buck the trend, develop a list, and set priorities. Then enjoy the satisfaction of crossing things off your list. 

Talk to your employer. 

Find out if there is a way of modifying your employment to handle your current situation better. These changes include flextime, job-sharing, telecommuting, part-time employment, or just a temporary adjustment in your job duties. 


It seems human nature for everyone to take on too many tasks and responsibilities, try to do too much, and own too much. Find a way to simplify your life and change your lifestyle. Learn to say no and to ask for help. Get rid of the clutter and baggage in your house and your life. 

In the end, the keyword is balance. You need to find the right balance that works for you. Celebrate your successes, and don’t dwell on your failures. Life is a process, and so is striving for balance. 


Workplace Options. (Revised 2019). Achieve a better balance in your life. Raleigh, NC: Author