Obesity Epidemics

Obesity is one of the largest epidemics of modern times, and has been linked with several life threatening diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease (Expert, 2014). In the United States, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has steadily risen over the past several decades. Between 1999-2016, obesity rates rose from 30.5% to 39.8% among adults ages 20 and older (Hales, Carroll, Fryar, & Ogden, 2017). Many factors have led to this increase, one of which is the overabundance and availability of convenience foods, and another the decline in cooking skills and nutrition knowledge (Saksena et al., 2018).

Exercise and Cardiovascular Disease/Risk Factors

It is well established that exercise and nutrition have an important role in disease prevention and management. However, there are still gaps in the literature regarding best exercise prescription practices related to decreasing cardiovascular disease risk. In order to determine specific exercise recommendations, it is necessary to understand some of the most established cardiovascular risk factors and biomarkers. Individuals with obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, current smoker status, cardiovascular familial history, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle are at highest risk for heart disease (Kannel & McGee, 1979). Articles focused on exercise specific to adipose tissue loss (obesity) and improvements in dyslipidemia, blood pressure, and cardiorespiratory fitness (ie. VO2max, heart rate, perceived exertion, etc.) were used to determine best practices in decreasing overall risk for heart disease.

Cholecystectomy: Tips for Maintaining Metabolic Health

Cholecystectomy may not be inconsequential from a metabolic standpoint. It is still considered the best treatment for symptomatic gallbladder disease, however studies have shown a strong association between gallbladder removal and the development of non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) years after surgery (Nervi & Arrese, 2013); this association was not shown in patients who had gallstones and managed the symptoms with diet and medication.

Mealtime Memories

August is national Kids Eat Right Month which focuses on the benefits of healthful eating and active lifestyles for kids and families. The importance of family mealtime has been studied since the 1970s, particularly on how it influences child language development and parent-child interaction (Catherine E. Snow, 2006). The discourse that occurs over dinnertime has been shown to provide rich information to children about the meaning of words and subsequently literary success (Catherine E. Snow, 2006). The benefits of family meals have also been studied in relation to behavior and dietary patterns.

Cannabis and Chronic Pain

Chronic pain affects millions of Americans and ranges in its origin and severity. Alternative medicine as a means for pain management has become increasingly popular in the Western world. One source of which is the Cannabis plant, which has been cultivated and used for medicinal purposes since ancient times (Shannon, Lewis, Lee, & Hughes, 2019). While the Cannabis plant contains more than 80 different chemicals, known as cannabinoids, the two most abundant are tet­rahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The former of which is known for its psychoactive properties, whereas the latter is known for its non-psychoactive properties (Shannon et al., 2019).

Death by Desk

When we think of high-risk jobs, oftentimes hospital employees, police officers, and firefighters are thought of immediately. However, office workers are faced with an invisible danger, prolonged time spent sitting at their desk. This extended time spent sedentary may lead to poor posture, resulting in an increased risk for musculoskeletal injuries, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and obesity. This article will focus on one of the more common forms of musculoskeletal conditions, with a prevalence of around 75%, neck pain is a major cause of morbidity and disability in many countries; affecting an individual’s daily life and work habits (Genebra, Maciel,, Bento, Simeão, & Vitta, 2017; Straker, Burgess-Limerick, Pollock, Murray, Netto, Coleman, & Skoss, 2008).

Nutrition During Breastfeeding

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of life as it has numerous benefits to both the mother and baby (About Breastfeeding). While breastmilk provides all the nutrients that babies need, it is just as important to ensure the mother is getting proper nutrients as well. Nutrient requirements during lactation are increased to cover both the volume and concentration of breast milk (Bo Lonnerdal, 2016).

Turmeric: Trendy or Therapeutic?

Turmeric is a popular Eastern spice grown throughout India, Asia, and Central America. It has been historically used in Ayurveda medicine for many chronic conditions, such as rheumatism, pain, and fatigue. Turmeric contains an active group of polyphenolic compounds, of which curcumin is the most well studied. Curcumin is thought to have potential benefits by reducing inflammation which is the body’s response to infection or injury. The Nuclear Factor-kappaB (NF-kB) pathway serves as a pivotal mediator in the inflammatory response and is usually deregulated in chronic conditions such as atherosclerosis and diabetes. The result is prolonged inflammation that increases tissue damage. However, initial studies have explored the therapeutic benefits of curcumin, which serves as a potent mediator in NF-kB pathway reducing inflammation in varying disease states. As for the health and safety of consumption, curcumin is a generally recognized as safe compound by the Food and Drug Administration. Overall, it seems that a dose as low as 80 mg/day of curcumin can provide health benefits for a generally individual. Although gastrointestinal upset has been seen among individuals in studies consuming large quantities, further research is needed to determine the full extent of benefits, bioavailability, and dose-response of turmeric. As with any trending topic in the nutrition field, it is important to consider one’s diet rather than focusing on a single nutrient when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.