Healthy Immune System Challenge  

As soon as flu season hits everyone starts frantically trying to make up for it for their poor habits earlier in the year. Maintaining a strong immune system is simple and ultimately can be achieved by getting adequate rest, managing your stress, practicing good hygiene, eating well, and staying active throughout the year. These weekly wellness challenges will help you add healthy habits into your routine to build up your immune system for long-term health. 

Week 1: Stress Management 

When we are stressed, our immune system has a difficult time fighting off pathogens such as the flu virus. Deep breathing is an easy practice that you can do anywhere to calm your mind and body to improve your health. You can do a simple deep breathing exercise by inhaling for 4 counts, holding your breath for 2 counts, and exhaling for another 4 counts. Let’s do it together! Inhale 1, 2, 3,4, Hold 5, 6 Exhale 7, 8, 9, 10. And repeat! 

Week 2: Everything in Moderation 

The occasional alcoholic beverage may not pose any risks to your health but the consistent binge-type drinking (4-5 drinks within 2 hours) that is common at parties or holiday events can bring your immune system down putting you at risk for catching the flu. If you enjoy celebrating with an alcoholic beverage, try swapping your second or third beverage with a fall-flavored tea! It’s a comforting way to stay hydrated in the cooler months and you can boost your immune system with protective antioxidants and phytonutrients! 

Week 3: Stay Active 

No matter what level of activity you currently engage in, it’s important to not change you’re your routine too drastically in a short period of time. If you exercise regularly, keep up with your current routine. Try working on new activities once or twice a week in order to prevent overuse injuries and avoid “workout boredom”. If you live a more sedentary lifestyle, try starting out with daily walks (20-30 minutes.) Gradually increasing your activity level gradually will help you feel stronger and more energetic over time. 

Week 4: Keep it Balanced 

Try to include a source of fiber, carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fat in your meals and snacks. Incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet on a regular basis provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs to fight the flu and also helps keep you feeling full and energized throughout the day. Some simple ideas to boost your diet with nutrient-dense foods include eating a banana on your way to work, adding some spinach to your scrambled eggs, or roasting your root vegetables in the oven to accompany your meals.