Holidaze… Holidays are here! 

Ohh the holiday season! Marked from Thanksgiving to December 31, a time of year filled with beautiful lights, gorgeous decorations, amazing food, and many get-togethers. Social events and parties can also bring up undesirable habits. There are temptations everywhere, events and travel interfere with daily activities, and it all continues for weeks. 

 If you are someone who tends to watch out for what you eat but feel that you lose control when you are exposed to foods you wouldn’t normally have around, then keep on reading. Maybe practicing any of these tips will help you feel more at ease in navigating food and social gatherings: 


  1. Go around the table: Take a moment to go around the food table and see what they have to offer. Check in with yourself and see what you like from the food and drinks available. 
  1. Get a little bit of everything: Yes, you read that right! If you like most of the food served, then try a little bit of everything. Including vegetables and fruits! You want a plate that not only will nourish you but that will also make you feel satisfied! You want a plate that you will enjoy. 
  1. Stay Hydrated: One of the most crucial components of healthy living is proper hydration. It’s critical to drink enough water before, during, and after your meals if you want to provide your body with the fluids it needs to function correctly. We frequently confuse hunger with thirst. Try combining non-sugar sparkling water with lime or berries of your choice. Be cautious when drinking because seasonal beverages can add a lot of extra calories and sugar. Remember to listen to your body and check for signs of dehydration such as headache, bright colored urine, and increased thirst. 
  1. Pay Attention: This time of year, it is quite easy to become immersed in the seasonal rhythms. During the holidays, you might feel more stressed and/or extremely happy, making it difficult to check in with yourself. Be mindful of any changes you make to your eating and sleeping schedules, as well as signs of high stress like fatigue and lethargy, digestive issues, headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms. Take a deep breath, pay attention to your body, and adjust as needed. 
  1. Remember what the holidays are about Connecting with friends and family is one of the main reasons for celebrating. Engage with them, see how they are doing, bring joy to the conversation, and don’t forget to HAVE FUN! 


https://www.nycnutritionist.net/9-tips-for-a-healthy-holiday-from-nyc-registered-dietitian/ https://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/ND21p22.shtml https://www.eatright.org/health/lifestyle/holidays/8-tips-for-allergy-free-holidays https://www.eatright.org/fitness/sports-and-performance/hydrate-right/hydrate-right https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/10-healthy-holiday-nutrition-tips/ https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/holidays-healthy-eating.html https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/12-tips-for-holiday-eating-201212242506