Hypertension Challenge  

Did you know your blood pressure is more a consequence of your lifestyle habits than your genes? If you have a family history of high blood pressure, it is even more vital for you to make lifestyle changes. Don’t know where to start? Check out these weekly wellness challenges to help you add healthy habits to your lifestyle and achieve healthier blood pressure! 

Week 1: 

Know your numbers! If you haven’t had your blood pressure checked in the past year, check your blood pressure at your next doctor’s appointment, at a grocery store/local pharmacy, or at home with your own blood pressure monitor. 

Blood pressure ranges (mmHg):  

• Normal blood pressure: Below 120/80  

• Prehypertension: 120-29/80-89  

• Stage I Hypertension: 140-159/90-99  

• Stage II Hypertension: 160 or higher/ 100 or higher 

Week 2: 

Get 10 minutes of activity during your lunch break! You can do something as simple as walking around your building or parking garage, doing a set of body weight exercises (lunges, squats, pushups, etc.), or walking up and down a few flights of stairs. 

Week 3: 

Eat a serving of vegetables for breakfast! If you can, try adding an extra serving for lunch and dinner as well! Here are some easy ways to add veggies to your breakfast:  

• Make a veggie omelet with bell peppers, spinach, and onions 

• Have a side of baby carrots with a tablespoon of hummus  

• Make yourself a green breakfast smoothie! Blend the following ingredients and enjoy ½ cup of baby spinach, ½ cup of liquid (soy milk, almond milk, regular milk, Kefir, etc.), ½ frozen banana, and ½ cup of berries! 

Week 4: 

Start each morning with a positive affirmation or something you love about yourself. You’ve made it through the first three weeks of this challenge and that’s a great start! Think of a mantra or positive affirmation you can relate to and repeat that to yourself every morning and whenever you feel stressed. Remember to focus on the positive lifestyle changes you are making to achieve your best health. As always, please feel free to contact your health coach for a more personalized approach to achieving healthy blood pressure!